My high school experience

         My school organizes sports day every year.  When I was in high school me and my friends have been given the responsibility of leading the yellow team to manage and take care of different parts.  Whether it's a parade, athletes and cheerleaders before the last day of the sports event  we have been preparing for a month to practice sports cheerleader  and parade  to complete the work. We are so tired but it's fun and cheerful to work for our yellow team to win the award and we celebrated the victory.

         The photograph depicts a sporting event. It was taken at school in 2019 when I was in high school. I was chosen to lead the yellow procession on the final day of the sport day. It's a day I'm truly looking forward to. Because a many people including my father and mother had gathered to witness the parade. The yellow procession is designed to look like it's from Aladdin's movie. I choose this picture because it reminds me of my life in high school.  It made me learn about different experiences in life. It made me learn to solve the problems that come in same as this picture than being able to take such a beautiful photo I had to train hard to stay stable in high heels. And rehearsing to perform during the parade and my friends who are athletes also trained hard.  We all do our best. We are together  until we received an award.  My high school life 3 years ago made me miss my friends we used to have fun. Sometimes there might be some conflicts. Until we started entering university we all moved and grew up. But we always support each other no matter what problem.

         Sports day is an important day which helps every student to indulge in physical activities and sports. It helps the students to take a break from their academic routine and enjoy playing sports. And it's an experience that I'll never forget. Because this photo was taken at my last color sport day in high school.  Looking at this picture made me think of many things during my teenage years. I miss my friends, my teachers and the place in my school where I spent 6 years studying here. The experiences in my life have made me an adult today.
